Results 1 - 10 of 10 for monitoring (0.0104 seconds)
Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In Remote And Ecologically Important Areas [100.00% relevance]
Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In Remote And Ecologically … Important Areas New advances in air quality monitoring techniques, such as passive samplers for … Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 2 Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In Remote And Ecologically … Polonica (2012) vol. 85, iss. 2, pp. 25-38 | monitoring, air pollution, forests, remote areas, mountains … , ecosystems, Europe, North America Large-Scale Monitoring Of Air Pollution In Remote And Ecologically
article/item/7818.html - 14.81 kB
Ecological monitoring as a method of land evaluation [60.00% relevance]
Ecological monitoring as a method of land evaluation Geographia … Polonica (1984) vol. 50 Ecological monitoring as a method of land evaluation Alicja I. … (1984) vol. 50, pp. 371-384 | Ecological monitoring as a method of land evaluation, Alicja I.
article/item/8206.html - 12.09 kB
Monitoring of changes in road potential accessibility at municipality level in Poland, 1995-2015 [60.00% relevance]
The … Geographia Polonica (2015) vol. 88, iss. 4 Monitoring of changes in road potential accessibility at … accessibility, roads, evaluation, Poland Monitoring of changes in road potential accessibility at
article/item/10323.html - 14.2 kB
The role of habitat heterogenity in the relationships between soil properties and earthworm assemblages: a case study in Pomerania (Northern Poland) [20.00% relevance]
, earthworms, landscape structure, biological monitoring The role of habitat heterogenity in the
article/item/10608.html - 14.59 kB
Identification of the Rozwarowo marshes using radar remote sensing [20.00% relevance]
backscatter, wetland habitats, NDVI, marshes monitoring Identification of the Rozwarowo marshes using
article/item/11103.html - 14.12 kB
Contribution of the Department of Geomorphology and Hydrology of Mountains and Uplands IGSO PAS in Kraków to the development of Polish Geomorphology (1953-2012) [20.00% relevance]
geomorphological mapping, evolution of relief, monitoring, field stations, expeditions, mountain areas
article/item/10626.html - 14.78 kB
Maximum recessions of shallow groundwater level in central Poland [20.00% relevance]
based on data gathered from 41 sites for the monitoring of … Geographia Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 1
article/item/7628.html - 12.91 kB
Extreme Rainfalls and their Impact on Slopes—Evaluation Based on Soil Erosion Measurements (As Exemplified by the Suwałki Lakeland, Poland) [20.00% relevance]
As Exemplified by the Suwałki Lakeland, Poland) Monitoring of soil erosion on selected slopes of the
article/item/7696.html - 13.52 kB
The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions [20.00% relevance]
Polonica (1994) vol. 63, pp. 51-62 | climate, monitoring, research of climatic changes, global warming
article/item/7931.html - 13.44 kB
Contemporary degradation of steep rock slopes in the periglacial zone of the Tatra Mts., Poland [20.00% relevance]
presents the results of the first large-area monitoring of steep slopes in the Tatra Mountains. In the
article/item/13545.html - 15.06 kB