Results 1 - 11 of 11 for post-socialist city (0.0192 seconds)
Transformations of large housing estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland [100.00% relevance]
of large housing estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland The main purpose of … of large housing estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland Ewa Szafrańska … , large housing estates, post-socialist city, Łódź Transformations of large housing estates … in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland, Ewa Szafrańska, … Transformations of large housing estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland The main purpose … of this paper is to identify ongoing changes in post-socialist large housing estates and to clarify their main … . 1 Transformations of large housing estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland Ewa Szafrańska … housing transformation, large housing estates, post-socialist city, Łódź Transformations of large housing … estates in post-socialist city: The case of Łódź, Poland, Ewa Szafrańska,
article/item/9415.html - 13.5 kB
Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population in the Kraków area (Poland) [88.89% relevance]
Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population in … associated with the resurgence of inner-city housing has been observed in Western Europe … . 91, iss. 4 Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population in … , second demographic transition, post-socialist city, spatial disparities, Kraków, Poland … Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population in … Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population … (2018) vol. 91, iss. 4 Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population … reurbanisation, second demographic transition, post-socialist city, spatial disparities, Kraków, Poland … Reurbanisation in a post-socialist city: Spatial differentiation of the population
article/item/11606.html - 14.49 kB
Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in Zagreb [77.78% relevance]
Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in Zagreb The … Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in Zagreb … . 3, pp. 341-360 | vacant commercial premises • city centre • questionnaire survey • mapping • Zagreb … Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in Zagreb, … Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in … vol. 93, iss. 3 Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in … • Zagreb Hollowing out and revitalising a post-socialist city centre: Vacant commercial premises in
article/item/12563.html - 19.39 kB
Old housing estates in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest [66.67% relevance]
in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest Housing estates were … in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest Balázs Szabó Geographia … in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest, Balázs Szabó, Geographia … Old housing estates in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest Housing estates were … 1 Old housing estates in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest Balázs Szabó … Old housing estates in the housing market of a post-socialist city: The case of Budapest, Balázs Szabó,
article/item/13860.html - 13.66 kB
ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive [66.67% relevance]
ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive Geographia Polonica … ) vol. 87, iss. 3 ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive Grzegorz Węcławowicz … 3, pp. 477-479 | ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive, Grzegorz … ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive Geographia … Polonica (2014) vol. 87, iss. 3 ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive Grzegorz … ) vol. 87, iss. 3, pp. 477-479 | ReNewTown – New Post-socialist city: Competitive and attractive, Grzegorz
article/item/9484.html - 12 kB
Evaluating urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a neighbourhood perspective [55.56% relevance]
urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a … urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a … iss. 4, pp. 383-402 | urban identity, historical city, urban regeneration, neighbourhood, Gdańsk … urban identity of Gdańsk historical inner city and Granary Island urban regeneration from a … perspective This study focuses on the post-socialist urban development that evolved in Gdańsk, Poland
article/item/14117.html - 15.96 kB
Transformations of large housing estates in Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of communism [33.33% relevance]
| large housing estates, CEECs, post-socialist city, collapse of communism Transformations of large … paper has been to identify ongoing changes in post-socialist large housing estates and to clarify the main … . 4, pp. 621-648 | large housing estates, CEECs, post-socialist city, collapse of communism Transformations of
article/item/10324.html - 13.41 kB
Ownership transformation in East-Central Europe in the pre EU-accession period. Inter-firm ties and control functions: The case of Poland [22.22% relevance]
, EU-accession, inter-firm links, ownership, city networks, decision-control functions Ownership … Polonica (2021) vol. 94, iss. 4, pp. 503-522 | post-socialist transformation, EU-accession, inter-firm links,
article/item/13142.html - 15.25 kB
New housing investments completed in Warsaw, 2002-2012 [22.22% relevance]
) vol. 86, iss. 3, pp. 281-286 | post-socialist city, housing supply, urban growth, developers, … Polonica (2013) vol. 86, iss. 3, pp. 281-286 | post-socialist city, housing supply, urban growth, developers,
article/item/8913.html - 15.03 kB
Does suburbanisation contribute to the rejuvenation of a metropolitan area? Changes in the age structure of the Kraków metropolitan area in Poland in the light of recent suburbanisation [22.22% relevance]
composition, population ageing, post-socialist city, Kraków, Poland Does suburbanisation contribute … , age composition, population ageing, post-socialist city, Kraków, Poland Does suburbanisation
article/item/10919.html - 15.31 kB
Diverse and different: On the faces of social solidarity in Warsaw [22.22% relevance]
diversity, social solidarity, post-socialist city, Warsaw, Praga Północ, Ursynów Diverse and … . 265-280 | social diversity, social solidarity, post-socialist city, Warsaw, Praga Północ, Ursynów Diverse and
article/item/11045.html - 14.45 kB