Results 1 - 3 of 3 for protected areas (0.0263 seconds)
Forecasting of states of ecosystems in protected areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital vegetation map (as exemplified by Poland's Bory Tucholskie National Park) [100.00% relevance]
Forecasting of states of ecosystems in protected areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital … Forecasting of states of ecosystems in protected areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital … Forecasting of states of ecosystems in protected areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital … Forecasting of states of ecosystems in protected areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital … , iss. 1 Forecasting of states of ecosystems in protected areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital … , Poland Forecasting of states of ecosystems in protected areas on the basis of a comprehensive digital
article/item/5351.html - 15.42 kB
What strategies make compatible the stakes of nature conservation and the stakes of economic growth in protected area? Example of El Kala National Park, Algeria [83.33% relevance]
, pp. 233-248 | conservation, tourism, protected areas, local development, El Kala National Park, … and the stakes of economic growth in protected area? Example of El Kala National Park, Algeria … and the stakes of economic growth in protected area? Example of El Kala National Park, Algeria … 92, iss. 2, pp. 233-248 | conservation, tourism, protected areas, local development, El Kala National Park … and the stakes of economic growth in protected area? Example of El Kala National Park, Algeria
article/item/11746.html - 15.21 kB
Political borders under ecological control in the Polish borderlands [83.33% relevance]
Eastern Europe, including Poland, many protected areas are situated in the borderlands. Borders (e.g. … between states), boundaries (of protected areas), and frontiers … Geographia Polonica (2018) vol … and Eastern Europe, including Poland, many protected areas are situated in the borderlands. Borders ( … e.g. between states), boundaries (of protected areas), and frontiers … Geographia Polonica ( … , national park, transboundary cooperation, protected area, eco-frontier Political borders under
article/item/11211.html - 13.78 kB