Results 1 - 3 of 3 for regionalisation (0.0014 seconds)
Mobility and regionalisation: Changing patterns of air traffic in the Baltic Sea Region in connection to European integration [100.00% relevance]
Mobility and regionalisation: Changing patterns of air traffic in the Baltic … European integration process.The integration and regionalisation processes following the transition … Geographia … Polonica (2018) vol. 91, iss. 1 Mobility and regionalisation: Changing patterns of air traffic in the Baltic … , aviation, the Baltic Sea Region Mobility and regionalisation: Changing patterns of air traffic in the Baltic
article/item/11208.html - 14.55 kB
Regionalisation of needs to reduce GHG emission from agriculture in Poland [75.00% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2020) vol. 93, iss. 3 Regionalisation of needs to reduce GHG emission from agriculture … emissions, Polish communes, low-carbon economy Regionalisation of needs to reduce GHG emission from agriculture
article/item/12570.html - 14.91 kB
Physico-geographical mesoregions of Poland: Verification and adjustment of boundaries on the basis of contemporary spatial data [25.00% relevance]
Polonica (2018) vol. 91, iss. 2, pp. 143-170 | regionalisation, spatial units, boundaries of regions, Poland
article/item/11299.html - 21.59 kB