Results 1 - 11 of 11 for residential (0.0034 seconds)
Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, Berlin and Paris [100.00% relevance]
of … Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 2 Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw, … Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 2, pp. 141-168 | residential segregation, spatial segregation, metropolitan … area, Warsaw, Berlin, Paris Residential segregation of metropolitan areas of Warsaw,
article/item/10506.html - 14 kB
Applying cohort analysis to residential segregation by age group in Berlin (West) [100.00% relevance]
Applying cohort analysis to residential segregation by age group in Berlin (West) The … (1993) vol. 61 Applying cohort analysis to residential segregation by age group in Berlin (West) … (1993) vol. 61, pp. 133-142 | cohort analysis, residential segregation by age group, Berlin (West) Applying … cohort analysis to residential segregation by age group in Berlin (West),
article/item/7958.html - 13.35 kB
A model of residential structure in a socialist city. A case study of Warsaw [75.00% relevance]
A model of residential structure in a socialist city. A case study of … Geographia Polonica (1975) vol. 31 A model of residential structure in a socialist city. A case study of … Polonica (1975) vol. 31, pp. 65-98 | A model of residential structure in a socialist city. A case study of
article/item/8547.html - 11.73 kB
Albert Park, Durban — Mixed-race residential areas during the phase of reformed apartheid [75.00% relevance]
Albert Park, Durban — Mixed-race residential areas during the phase of reformed apartheid … (1993) vol. 61 Albert Park, Durban — Mixed-race residential areas during the phase of reformed apartheid … , South Africa Albert Park, Durban — Mixed-race residential areas during the phase of reformed apartheid,
article/item/7981.html - 13.12 kB
Le changement de résidence intra-urbain, de la mobilité résidentielle au dispositif migratoire [50.00% relevance]
and intra-urban migration, where itis held residential … Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61 Le … Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 235-246 | residential mobility, intra-urban migrations, social change
article/item/7966.html - 13.03 kB
Social segregation and spatial differentiation of electoral alignment in Vilnius Metropolitan Area [50.00% relevance]
Area The paper analyses two interrelated fields: residential differentiation in the Vilnius metropolitan area … , electoral differentiation, postcommunist city, residential differentiation Social segregation and spatial
article/item/10925.html - 15.25 kB
Mobilité et migrations dans et vers l'espace périurbain en Ile de Prance [25.00% relevance]
Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 265-280 | residential mobility, periurban area, single family housing
article/item/7968.html - 13.89 kB
From Migration to Segregation in the Former Closed City [25.00% relevance]
, Kazakhstan, migration, ethnicity, housing, residential From Migration to Segregation in the Former
article/item/7704.html - 13.31 kB
Green infrastructure as a determinant of the quality of urban life and a barrier to the development of a city: A case study [25.00% relevance]
a city: A case study The quality of life and the residential environment in an urban space are considerably
article/item/11607.html - 14.21 kB
Spatial Classification Of Rural Areas In Poland [25.00% relevance]
they are increasingly becoming touristicand residential, especially those that are … Geographia Polonica
article/item/7814.html - 14.82 kB
Does suburbanisation contribute to the rejuvenation of a metropolitan area? Changes in the age structure of the Kraków metropolitan area in Poland in the light of recent suburbanisation [25.00% relevance]
light of recent suburbanisation The process of residential suburbanisation may cause changes in the age
article/item/10919.html - 15.31 kB