Results 1 - 4 of 4 for resilience (0.0073 seconds)
The concept of resilience: Dimensions, properties of resilient systems and spatial scales of resilience [100.00% relevance]
The concept of resilience: Dimensions, properties of resilient systems and … spatial scales of resilience The aim of this paper is to identify the … dimensions of resilience undertaken in literature, characteristics … Polonica (2022) vol. 95, iss. 4 The concept of resilience: Dimensions, properties of resilient systems and … spatial scales of resilience Grzegorz Masik Geographia Polonica (2022) vol. … 95, iss. 4, pp. 295-310 | resilience, systems, dimensions, properties, research … approaches, spatial scales The concept of resilience: Dimensions, properties of resilient systems and … spatial scales of resilience, Grzegorz Masik, Geographia Polonica (2022) vol
article/item/13446.html - 14.59 kB
Economic resilience: The case of Poland and certain European regions [62.50% relevance]
Economic resilience: The case of Poland and certain European regions … The study of economic resilience represents a relatively new subject of debate … Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 4 Economic resilience: The case of Poland and certain European regions … (2016) vol. 89, iss. 4, pp. 457-471 | economic resilience, evolutionary approach, agency perspective, … , European regions, Pomorskie region Economic resilience: The case of Poland and certain European regions
article/item/10713.html - 13.87 kB
The conservation of traumatic ruins: A sensitive issue to improve urban resilience [50.00% relevance]
ruins: A sensitive issue to improve urban resilience Preserved urban ruins convey a social and … ruins: A sensitive issue to improve urban resilience Antoine Le Blanc Geographia Polonica (2020) vol … -552 | risks, catastrophe, ruins, conservation, resilience The conservation of traumatic ruins: A sensitive … issue to improve urban resilience, Antoine Le Blanc, Geographia Polonica (2020)
article/item/12642.html - 13.92 kB
Pre- and post-pandemic attitudes toward participation in community-based initiatives: The case of Poznań [12.50% relevance]
-based initiatives, mobilization, community resilience Pre- and post-pandemic attitudes toward
article/item/13922.html - 14.06 kB