Results 1 - 7 of 7 for social changes (0.0216 seconds)
Recent Industrial Changes in North-West England and Their Social Consequences [100.00% relevance]
Recent Industrial Changes in North-West England and Their Social … Polonica (1965) vol. 3 Recent Industrial Changes in North-West England and Their Social … (1965) vol. 3, pp. 211-228 | Recent Industrial Changes in North-West England and Their Social … Changes in North-West England and Their Social Consequences Geographia Polonica (1965) vol. 3 … Changes in North-West England and Their Social Consequences H. Brian Rodgers Geographia … Changes in North-West England and Their Social Consequences, H. Brian Rodgers, Geographia
article/item/9043.html - 11.82 kB
Rebirth of viticulture and associated changes in the rural areas of Lower Silesia, SW Poland [83.33% relevance]
Rebirth of viticulture and associated changes in the rural areas of Lower Silesia, SW Poland … to the social, landscape and functional changes of rural areas. Newly established … Geographia … 93, iss. 3 Rebirth of viticulture and associated changes in the rural areas of Lower Silesia, SW Poland … Rebirth of viticulture and associated changes in the rural areas of Lower Silesia, SW Poland, … in Lower Silesia may contribute to the social, landscape and functional changes of rural areas
article/item/12561.html - 15.09 kB
Changes in the rural areas in Bulgaria:processes and prospects [83.33% relevance]
the last decade of the 20th century fundamental changes in all sphe-res of social-economic life occurred … are … Geographia Polonica (2003) vol. 76, iss. 1 Changes in the rural areas in Bulgaria:processes and … , ageing, prospects for development, Bulgaria Changes in the rural areas in Bulgaria:processes and … century fundamental changes in all sphe-res of social-economic life occurred throughout the rural … , iss. 1, pp. 97-110 | rural areas, economic and social transformation, depopulation, ageing, prospects
article/item/7751.html - 13.57 kB
Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) [66.67% relevance]
143-156 | household structure, unemployment and social welfare benefits Some effects of demographic and … Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city … Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city … Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city
article/item/7959.html - 13.37 kB
Selected problems of contemporary socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland) [66.67% relevance]
this paper is attempt to identify the effects of social and spatial transition in a specific area of … Selected problems of contemporary socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland … Selected problems of contemporary socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland … Selected problems of contemporary socio-spatial changes in peri-urban areas of the city of Łódź (Poland
article/item/11282.html - 14.32 kB
Role of new towns in the development of settlement System in the USSR [50.00% relevance]
of settlement System in the USSR A change in the social structure entails essential alterations in the … structure and territorial distribution of social production. These, in turn, bring about gradual … production. These, in turn, bring about gradual changes in … Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 37 Role of
article/item/8441.html - 12.69 kB
Cracow's spatial structure and environmental quality [33.33% relevance]
(1995) vol. 64, pp. 49-60 | Spatial pattern, social changes, environmental quality, Cracow Cracow's … ) vol. 64, pp. 49-60 | Spatial pattern, social changes, environmental quality, Cracow Cracow's spatial
article/item/7909.html - 13.22 kB