Results 1 - 2 of 2 for socialism (0.0028 seconds)
Specific features of regional development in Central and Eastern Europe — the inheritance of socialism [100.00% relevance]
Central and Eastern Europe — the inheritance of socialism It is argued that regional development issues in … Central and Eastern Europe — the inheritance of socialism Hans Van Zon Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 66 … Central and Eastern Europe — the inheritance of socialism, Hans Van Zon, Geographia Polonica (1995) vol.
article/item/7894.html - 13.3 kB
From socialist icons to post-socialist attractions: Iconicity of socialist heritage in Central and Eastern Europe [33.33% relevance]
2019) vol. 92, iss. 4, pp. 379-393 | iconicity, socialism, heritage, tourism, visitor attractions, Central
article/item/11791.html - 15.37 kB