Results 1 - 6 of 6 for socio-economic transformation (0.0150 seconds)
Ownership transformation in East-Central Europe in the pre EU-accession period. Inter-firm ties and control functions: The case of Poland [100.00% relevance]
focuses on the first period of political and socio-economic transformation in Poland (1989-2004) and … Ownership transformation in East-Central Europe in the pre EU-accession … the first period of political and socio-economic transformation in Poland (1989-2004) and describes the change … Polonica (2021) vol. 94, iss. 4 Ownership transformation in East-Central Europe in the pre EU-accession … ) vol. 94, iss. 4, pp. 503-522 | post-socialist transformation, EU-accession, inter-firm links, ownership, city … networks, decision-control functions Ownership transformation in East-Central Europe in the pre EU-accession
article/item/13142.html - 15.25 kB
The impact of socio-economic changes on the natural processes and transformation of geoecosystems in the Gorce Mountains [100.00% relevance]
-economic changes on the natural processes and transformation of geoecosystems in the Gorce Mountains … -economic changes on the natural processes and transformation of geoecosystems in the Gorce Mountains Anna … -economic changes on the natural processes and transformation of geoecosystems in the Gorce Mountains, Anna … The impact of socio-economic changes on the natural processes and … Polonica (2015) vol. 88, iss. 3 The impact of socio-economic changes on the natural processes and … ) vol. 88, iss. 3, pp. 515-518 | The impact of socio-economic changes on the natural processes and
article/item/10070.html - 12.32 kB
The structure of the socio-economic space of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970 [83.33% relevance]
The structure of the socio-economic space of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970 The socio- … Polonica (1977) vol. 37 The structure of the socio-economic space of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970 Grzegorz … ) vol. 37, pp. 201-224 | The structure of the socio-economic space of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970, Grzegorz … of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970 The socio-economic transformation of Poland, especially her quick-paced
article/item/8440.html - 13.19 kB
From communism to a free-market economy: A reflection of socio-economic changes in land use structure in the vicinity of the city (Beskid Sądecki, Western Polish Carpathians) [66.67% relevance]
to a free-market economy: A reflection of socio-economic changes in land use structure in the vicinity of … to a free-market economy: A reflection of socio-economic changes in land use structure in the vicinity of … to a free-market economy: A reflection of socio-economic changes in land use structure in the vicinity of … . 1, pp. 65-79 | land use, agriculture, economic transformation, GIS, mountains From communism to a free-market
article/item/10882.html - 14.83 kB
Land use changes and their catchment-scale environmental impact in the Polish Western Carpathians during transition from centrally planned to free-market economics [33.33% relevance]
. 91, iss. 2, pp. 171-196 | LULC, human impact, socio-economic transformation, catchment, Carpathians Land use … pp. 171-196 | LULC, human impact, socio-economic transformation, catchment, Carpathians Land use changes and
article/item/11335.html - 14.71 kB
The Northern Ladoga region as a prospective tourist destination in the Russian-Finnish borderland: Historical, cultural, ecological and economic aspects [33.33% relevance]
borderland, Republic of Karelia, political and socio-economic changes The Northern Ladoga region as a … aspects The work reported here has examined the transformation of the Northern Ladoga region (a natural and
article/item/11845.html - 14.31 kB