Results 1 - 8 of 8 for southern Baltic (0.0067 seconds)
Application of Hydrodynamic Model of the Baltic Sea to Storm Surge Representation along the Polish Baltic Coast [100.00% relevance]
Application of Hydrodynamic Model of the Baltic Sea to Storm Surge Representation along the … Polish Baltic Coast A hydrodynamic model of the Baltic Sea based on the Princeton Ocean Model was … of extreme storm surges along the Polish Baltic coast. When the applicability ofthe … Geographia … iss. 2 Application of Hydrodynamic Model of the Baltic Sea to Storm Surge Representation along the … Polish Baltic Coast Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska, Marek … , storm surges, low-pressure systems, southern Baltic Sea Application of Hydrodynamic Model of the … to Storm Surge Representation along the Polish Baltic Coast, Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska, Marek … modelling, storm surges, low-pressure systems, southern Baltic Sea Application of Hydrodynamic Model of
article/item/7698.html - 13.86 kB
Hydrochemical effects of submarine groundwater discharge to the Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea, Poland) [70.00% relevance]
groundwater discharge to the Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea, Poland) The article presents alterations … groundwater discharge to the Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea, Poland) Halina Piekarek-Jankowska … near-bottom waters, isotope (180, D), Puck Bay, Baltic Sea Hydrochemical effects of submarine … groundwater discharge to the Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea, Poland), Halina Piekarek-Jankowska, … submarine groundwater discharge to the Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea, Poland) The article presents … submarine groundwater discharge to the Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea, Poland) Halina Piekarek-Jankowska … submarine groundwater discharge to the Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea, Poland), Halina Piekarek-Jankowska,
article/item/7870.html - 13.79 kB
Climatic and oceanographic conditions in the southern Baltic area under an increasing CO2 concentration [70.00% relevance]
Climatic and oceanographic conditions in the southern Baltic area under an increasing CO2 … . 2 Climatic and oceanographic conditions in the southern Baltic area under an increasing CO2 … Climatic and oceanographic conditions in the southern Baltic area under an increasing CO2 … and oceanographic conditions in the southern Baltic area under an increasing CO2 concentration The … and oceanographic conditions in the southern Baltic area under an increasing CO2 concentration … , wave height, wind, air temperature, salinity, Baltic Sea, Polish coast Climatic and oceanographic … conditions in the southern Baltic area under an increasing CO2 concentration,
article/item/7787.html - 13.94 kB
Reconstructing the development of human impact from diatoms and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) [70.00% relevance]
and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) The subjects of the study were the … and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) Andrzej Witkowski, Janusz Pempkowiak … and 210Pb sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea), Andrzej Witkowski, Janusz … sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) The subjects of the study were the diatoms … sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea) Andrzej Witkowski, Janusz Pempkowiak … of the sea, eutrophication, Gulf of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea Reconstructing the development of human … sediment dating (The gulf of Gdańsk — Southern Baltic Sea), Andrzej Witkowski, Janusz Pempkowiak,
article/item/7900.html - 14.2 kB
Sea level variability in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic Sea cosast 1975-2004 [50.00% relevance]
. 1, pp. 61-69 | sea level change, storm surges, southern Baltic Sea Sea level variability in the eastern … variability in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic Sea cosast 1975-2004 Sea level, which has been … variability in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic Sea cosast 1975-2004 Katarzyna Marosz, Ewa … 61-69 | sea level change, storm surges, southern Baltic Sea Sea level variability in the eastern part of … the Polish Baltic Sea cosast 1975-2004, Katarzyna Marosz, Ewa
article/item/7660.html - 13.43 kB
Extreme Water Level Fluctuations along the Polish Coast [30.00% relevance]
annual extreme sea levels along the Polish Baltic coast. The analysisis based on water level data … (2009) vol. 82, iss. 1, pp. 99-107 | southern Baltic, extreme sea levels, storm surges, storm falls … Polonica (2009) vol. 82, iss. 1, pp. 99-107 | southern Baltic, extreme sea levels, storm surges, storm
article/item/7672.html - 13.61 kB
Dynamics of the Polish coast east of Ustka [20.00% relevance]
. 1, pp. 51-60 | coastal zone, cliff, Southern Baltic, extreme storms, erosion. Dynamics of the Polish … . 83, iss. 1, pp. 51-60 | coastal zone, cliff, Southern Baltic, extreme storms, erosion. Dynamics of the
article/item/7659.html - 13.69 kB
Changes in specific runoff in river catchments of Western Pomerania versus climate change [20.00% relevance]
, iss. 1, pp. 25-52 | Pomeranian Lake District, Southern Baltic coastlands, temporal trends in river … , pp. 25-52 | Pomeranian Lake District, Southern Baltic coastlands, temporal trends in river runoff,
article/item/13230.html - 14.53 kB