Results 1 - 42 of 42 for space (0.0081 seconds)
Ruining, demolition and regeneration in urban space: Sketching the research problem [100.00% relevance]
Ruining, demolition and regeneration in urban space: Sketching the research problem The paper is … two processes that currentlyfeature in urban space: demolition and regeneration as well as … … 1 Ruining, demolition and regeneration in urban space: Sketching the research problem Sylwia Kaczmarek … demolition, urban regeneration, organisation of space, living conditions, quality of life Ruining, … demolition and regeneration in urban space: Sketching the research problem, Sylwia
article/item/11703.html - 14.77 kB
Social Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad’ Areas in Poznań) [100.00% relevance]
Social Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad’ Areas in Poznań) This … and social groups in assigning meaningto urban space. The research on which it is based was intended … 2006) vol. 79, iss. 2 Social Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad’ Areas in Poznań) Michał … pp. 5-22 | Social production (marking) of urban space, stigmatization, stereotypization, Poznań city. … Social Production of Urban Space (A Case Study of ‘Bad’ Areas in Poznań), Michał
article/item/7703.html - 13.86 kB
Daily mobility of disabled people for healthcare facilities and their accessibility in urban space [100.00% relevance]
facilities and their accessibility in urban space This paper presents findings from an empirical … to healthcare facilities distributedacross urban space. The study was carried out in … Geographia … facilities and their accessibility in urban space Zbigniew Taylor, Iwona Józefowicz Geographia … travel, availability, accessibility, urban space, principal component analysis, Bydgoszcz, Poland … facilities and their accessibility in urban space, Zbigniew Taylor, Iwona Józefowicz, Geographia
article/item/7602.html - 14.44 kB
Regeneration and demolition vis-á-vis disintegration of urban space: The case of el Cabanyal-Canyamelar in Valencia [100.00% relevance]
and demolition vis-á-vis disintegration of urban space: The case of el Cabanyal-Canyamelar in Valencia … Disintegration of urban space is the opposite of its organisation; … and demolition vis-á-vis disintegration of urban space: The case of el Cabanyal-Canyamelar in Valencia … , iss. 1, pp. 121-139 | disintegration of urban space, dysfunctionality, regeneration, demolition, el … and demolition vis-á-vis disintegration of urban space: The case of el Cabanyal-Canyamelar in Valencia
article/item/11710.html - 14.57 kB
Dynamic Organization of Socio-economic Space [80.00% relevance]
Dynamic Organization of Socio-economic Space The aim of the present paper is specification of … model of dynamic organization of socio-eco-nomic space. There … Geographia Polonica (1979) vol. 42 … Dynamic Organization of Socio-economic Space Ryszard Domański Geographia Polonica (1979) vol … 149-172 | Dynamic Organization of Socio-economic Space, Ryszard Domański, Geographia Polonica (1979)
article/item/8328.html - 12.65 kB
A statistical approach to modelling interaction in a functional space [60.00% relevance]
to modelling interaction in a functional space The purpose of the present paper is to use … to modelling interaction in a functional space Ludwik Mazurkiewicz Geographia Polonica (1986) … to modelling interaction in a functional space, Ludwik Mazurkiewicz, Geographia Polonica (1986
article/item/8141.html - 12.48 kB
Urban agglomerations in the socio-economic space of Poland: some analytical questions [60.00% relevance]
Urban agglomerations in the socio-economic space of Poland: some analytical questions Geographia … . 44 Urban agglomerations in the socio-economic space of Poland: some analytical questions Zbigniew … 170 | Urban agglomerations in the socio-economic space of Poland: some analytical questions, Zbigniew
article/item/8288.html - 11.96 kB
Selected aspects of present-day changes in Polish rural space [60.00% relevance]
aspects of present-day changes in Polish rural space The article discusses the concept of the rural … aspects of present-day changes in Polish rural space Jerzy Bański Geographia Polonica (2003) vol. 76 … aspects of present-day changes in Polish rural space, Jerzy Bański, Geographia Polonica (2003) vol.
article/item/3840.html - 13.18 kB
East-Central European human geographers in English-dominated, Anglophone-based international publishing space [60.00% relevance]
, Anglophone-based international publishing space A number of investigations have recently been … , Anglophone-based international publishing space Artur Bajerski, Krzysztof Przygoński Geographia … , Anglophone-based international publishing space, Artur Bajerski, Krzysztof Przygoński,
article/item/11406.html - 15.4 kB
The concept and assumptions on socio-economic space analysis [60.00% relevance]
The concept and assumptions on socio-economic space analysis Geographia Polonica (1975) vol. 32 The … concept and assumptions on socio-economic space analysis Zbyszko Chojnicki Geographia Polonica ( … | The concept and assumptions on socio-economic space analysis, Zbyszko Chojnicki, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8530.html - 11.65 kB
The dilemmas of Poland's space [60.00% relevance]
The dilemmas of Poland's space Geographia Polonica (1984) vol. 50 The dilemmas … of Poland's space Antoni Kukliński Geographia Polonica (1984) vol … . 50, pp. 215-224 | The dilemmas of Poland's space, Antoni Kukliński, Geographia Polonica (1984)
article/item/8195.html - 11.56 kB
Corporate space and emerging spatial order in Japan [60.00% relevance]
Corporate space and emerging spatial order in Japan Following … … Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 66 Corporate space and emerging spatial order in Japan Naoharu … , formation of urban system Corporate space and emerging spatial order in Japan, Naoharu
article/item/7889.html - 13.21 kB
Generational cycles and changes in time and space [60.00% relevance]
Generational cycles and changes in time and space The cyclical character of definite processes … . 3 Generational cycles and changes in time and space Mariusz Kowalski Geographia Polonica (2019) vol … Generational cycles and changes in time and space, Mariusz Kowalski, Geographia Polonica (2019)
article/item/11804.html - 14.33 kB
The structure of the socio-economic space of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970 [60.00% relevance]
The structure of the socio-economic space of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970 The socio-economic … ) vol. 37 The structure of the socio-economic space of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970 Grzegorz Węcławowicz … . 201-224 | The structure of the socio-economic space of Warsaw in 1931 and 1970, Grzegorz Węcławowicz
article/item/8440.html - 13.19 kB
On the organization of political space [60.00% relevance]
On the organization of political space Geographia Polonica (1975) vol. 31 On the … organization of political space W. A. Douglas Jackson, Edward J. F. Bergman … , pp. 149-162 | On the organization of political space, W. A. Douglas Jackson, Edward J. F. Bergman,
article/item/8550.html - 11.89 kB
Evaluation of taxonomic methods from the point of view of comparability of results in space and time — in optimization aspect [60.00% relevance]
the point of view of comparability of results in space and time — in optimization aspect Geographia … the point of view of comparability of results in space and time — in optimization aspect Krystyna … the point of view of comparability of results in space and time — in optimization aspect, Krystyna
article/item/8357.html - 12.5 kB
Food systems and space [60.00% relevance]
Food systems and space Geographia Polonica (1986) vol. 52 Food systems … and space Wiesław Rozłucki Geographia Polonica (1986) vol … . 52, pp. 179-190 | Food systems and space, Wiesław Rozłucki, Geographia Polonica (1986)
article/item/8144.html - 14.77 kB
Numerical Regionalization of Political-economic space [60.00% relevance]
Numerical Regionalization of Political-economic space Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 15 Numerical … Regionalization of Political-economic space Brian J. L. Berry Geographia Polonica (1968) vol … Numerical Regionalization of Political-economic space, Brian J. L. Berry, Geographia Polonica (1968)
article/item/8793.html - 11.72 kB
Urban dynamics and life cycle of Madrid's population [40.00% relevance]
to analyse the relations between Madrid's urban space expansionand the changes that appear in said
article/item/7957.html - 12.74 kB
L'analyse intra-urbaine par carroyage [40.00% relevance]
(G.I.S.) for the study of intra-urban space, we deal with the problems relatedto their … S., grid-square system, spatial statistic, urban space L'analyse intra-urbaine par carroyage, Yves
article/item/7951.html - 12.76 kB
On European metropolisation scenarios and the future course of metropolitan development in Poland [40.00% relevance]
selected scenarios anticipated for the European space. For this purpose two alternative … Geographia … pp. 107-121 | metropolitan development, European space, reference scenarios, trend reversal On European
article/item/9930.html - 14 kB
Microscale population study: Methodological problems [40.00% relevance]
study: Methodological problems The notions of space and scale are basic in any geographical study. … Thenature of the geographical space changes when the scale changes. The street,
article/item/7952.html - 14.08 kB
The socio-economic differentiation of Poland's spatial structure [40.00% relevance]
of this analysis is the total socio-economic space of Poland.Geographical theory contains two … to an operational definition ofsocio-economic space. Firstly, … Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 24
article/item/8653.html - 14.09 kB
The spatial deconcentration of housing resources in Warsaw in the years 1945-2008 [20.00% relevance]
of distributions as a phenomenon in urban space, aswell as the search for interpretations of …
article/item/7561.html - 13.86 kB
Urban governance systems in autonomous territories of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: The cases of Croatia-Slavonia and Austrian Galicia (1867-1918) [20.00% relevance]
in its empirical foundation across both time and space. The Austro-Hungarian … Geographia Polonica (
article/item/13859.html - 15.02 kB
Key factors affecting Industry 4.0 adoption: An empirical study in Hungarian manufacturing companies [20.00% relevance]
decade, Industry 4.0 technologies have spread in space and time to varying extents, this
article/item/13588.html - 15.93 kB
Shopping centres as the subject of Polish geographical research [20.00% relevance]
, the influence of the shopping centre, hybrid space Shopping centres as the subject of Polish
article/item/10717.html - 14.32 kB
Geographia Polonica (2019) vol. 92, iss. 1 [20.00% relevance]
issue/item/92_1.html - 43.71 kB
Polish core and periphery under economic transformation [20.00% relevance]
. This concept is applied to the Polish economic space on the national scale. … Geographia Polonica (
article/item/7891.html - 13.49 kB
Evaluating and interpreting the city using a photo projective method. The example of Łódź [20.00% relevance]
projective method. The example of Łódź Urban space, especially that of large cities, is not
article/item/8119.html - 14.18 kB
Relationships between human-environment-space of place – The evolution of research paradigms in geography and the challenge of modernity [20.00% relevance]
Relationships between human-environment-space of place – The evolution of research paradigms … , iss. 3 Relationships between human-environment-space of place – The evolution of research paradigms … iss. 3, pp. 409-421 | relationship, environment, space, place, paradigm, Warsaw Metropolitan Area … Relationships between human-environment-space of place – The evolution of research paradigms
article/item/9480.html - 14.24 kB
Do street status and centrality matter for post-socialist memory policy? The experience of Ukrainian cities [20.00% relevance]
of Ukrainian cities Naming and renaming of urban space often is sensitive in terms of the street
article/item/12494.html - 14.87 kB
Some problems of the demographic structure of Polish cities [20.00% relevance]
and density of the population in a geographical space dependmainly on the geographical environment
article/item/7961.html - 14 kB
Emerging frontiers, challenges and changing professional avenues for geographers in the contemporary world [20.00% relevance]
world Geography studies the characteristics of space and place. Geography answers questions such as
article/item/9449.html - 13.55 kB
Selected aspects of the internal organization of a settlement system [20.00% relevance]
of different subsystems of the socio-economic space we can see the entirely marked position of the
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Formation of a new structure of the socio-spatial differentiations in the towns of Pomerania. The case of three medium-sized towns [20.00% relevance]
199-217 | socio-spatial structures, intra-urban space, medium-sized cities, Pomerania, Lębork,
article/item/8908.html - 13.82 kB
Rural/urban: Laying bare the controversy [20.00% relevance]
. 4, pp. 375-397 | rural, urban, conceptions of space, critical analysis, knowledge production Rural/
article/item/11575.html - 14.03 kB
Green infrastructure as a determinant of the quality of urban life and a barrier to the development of a city: A case study [20.00% relevance]
life and the residential environment in an urban space are considerably influenced by
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Regionalization methods: a set-theoretical evaluation [20.00% relevance]
and classifi-cation of geographic space. … Geographia Polonica (1974) vol. 28
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Phytoindication methods in landscape planning and management [20.00% relevance]
far-reaching structural changes in geographical space makes usseek the most … Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8135.html - 14.28 kB
Entrepreneurial in-migration and rural development in Czechia: A challenge of integrating the local and extra-local in rural planning [20.00% relevance]
347-363 | Entrepreneurship, in-migration, rural space, rural planning, Czechia Entrepreneurial in-
article/item/11809.html - 14.5 kB
Apports des analyses à micro-échelle dans les recherches urbaines sur la différenciation sociale de l'espace en milieu urbain [20.00% relevance]
-46 | organization and social differentiation of space in urban sphere, blocks, urban geography, urban
article/item/7950.html - 13.34 kB