Results 1 - 1 of 1 for specific discharge (0.0056 seconds)
Impact of climate change on water resources in lowland Poland [100.00% relevance]
values with changes in annual mean specific discharge, linear trends of the mentioned variables were … totals and air temperature on specific discharge in individual catchments was determined using … . Analysis of the time trends of specific discharge showed statistically significant decreases in … catchments. The correlations between specific discharge, air temperature and precipitation totals are … observed in the central part of Poland. Specific discharge is more strongly dependent on precipitation … of time. Keywords: Polish lowlands, specific discharge, air temperature, precipitation totals, climate … change Polish lowlands, specific discharge, air temperature, precipitation totals, climate … water resources were described by mean monthly specific discharges in these catchments. Thirty-seven … temperature values with changes in annual mean specific discharge, linear trends of the mentioned … of precipitation totals and air temperature on specific discharge in individual
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