Results 1 - 2 of 2 for the socio-economic structure and unemployment (0.1545 seconds)
Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) [100.00% relevance]
Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal … the one hand, the demographic processes ofageing and changing … Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61 … Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal … pp. 143-156 | household structure, unemployment and social welfare benefits Some effects of … demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal … Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of … (1993) vol. 61 Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of … welfare benefits Some effects of demographic and socio-economic changes on the internal population structure of … -economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) The paper … -economic changes on the internal population structure of the city. The example of Bonn (FRG) Franz- … Polonica (1993) vol. 61, pp. 143-156 | household structure,
article/item/7959.html - 13.37 kB
The regional structure of unemployment in Poland [69.23% relevance]
differences, the socio-economic structure and unemployment, principal components analysis, … brought about by aradical reconstruction of the socio-economic system. It is highly diversified spatially … 479-498 | regional unemployment differences, the socio-economic structure and unemployment, principal components … The regional structure of unemployment in Poland Unemployment is a new … Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61 The regional structure of unemployment in Poland Teresa Czyż Geographia … unemployment differences, the socio-economic structure and unemployment, principal components analysis … , Poland The regional structure of unemployment in Poland, Teresa Czyż, … brought about by aradical reconstruction of the socio-economic system. It is highly diversified … . In this … Geographia Polonica (1993) vol. 61 The regional structure of unemployment in Poland … pp. 479-498 | regional unemployment differences, the socio-economic structure and unemployment, … principal components
article/item/7984.html - 13.2 kB