Results 1 - 2 of 2 for transect studies (0.0371 seconds)
Large-scale Transect Studies and their Use in the Investigation of Climate Effects on Carbon Storage in Forest Ecosystems [100.00% relevance]
Large-scale Transect Studies and their Use in the Investigation of Climate … of large-scale transects in ecological studies has provided a newtool for investigating … ecosystem behavior under changing climate. These studies do not … Geographia Polonica (2005) vol. 77, iss … . 2 Large-scale Transect Studies and their Use in the Investigation of Climate … 77, iss. 2, pp. 21-26 | global change, transect studies, gradient studies, carbon cycling Large-scale … Transect Studies and their Use in the Investigation of Climate … Large-scale Transect Studies and their Use in the Investigation of … Polonica (2005) vol. 77, iss. 2 Large-scale Transect Studies and their Use in the Investigation of … ) vol. 77, iss. 2, pp. 21-26 | global change, transect studies, gradient studies, carbon cycling Large- … scale Transect Studies and their Use in the Investigation of
article/item/7733.html - 13.4 kB
Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-53 N (12-32 E): pine litter decomposition [63.64% relevance]
Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-53 N (12-32 E): … (1999) vol. 72, iss. 2 Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-53 N (12-32 E): … transects, pine needles, cones Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-53 N (12-32 E): … Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-53 N (12-32 E): pine litter decomposition … to changing climate was studied on a transect set in Central Europe along parallel 52°N. Rates … . 2 Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-53 N (12-32 E): pine litter decomposition … cones Ecosystem process studies along a climatic transect at 52-53 N (12-32 E): pine litter decomposition
article/item/2301.html - 15.13 kB