Results 1 - 44 of 44 for urbanization (0.0025 seconds)
Urbanization Trends and Processes of Population Change in the Ljubljana Urban Region in the 1990s [100.00% relevance]
the … Geographia Polonica (2005) vol. 78, iss. 1 Urbanization Trends and Processes of Population Change in the … 78, iss. 1, pp. 67-78 | population development, urbanization processes, urbanization phases, Ljubljana, … Ljubljana urban region, Slovenia Urbanization Trends and Processes of Population Change in the
article/item/7717.html - 14 kB
Socio-demographic aspects of urbanization in the USRR [80.00% relevance]
Socio-demographic aspects of urbanization in the USRR Urbanization is one of the most … is a complex and polyfunctional one. In studying urbanization,therefore, specialists in … Geographia Polonica … (1973) vol. 27 Socio-demographic aspects of urbanization in the USRR Oleg V. JLarmin, Valentino. M. … . 27, pp. 53-62 | Socio-demographic aspects of urbanization in the USRR, Oleg V. JLarmin, Valentino. M.
article/item/8616.html - 13.23 kB
Urbanization and regional development in the United States [80.00% relevance]
in the United States The interrelations between urbanization and regional development in the UnitedStates may … regional … Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 20 Urbanization and regional development in the United States … Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 20, pp. 5-32 | Urbanization and regional development in the United States,
article/item/8707.html - 12.74 kB
Urbanization processes in the hinterlands of towns and industrial centres [60.00% relevance]
centres Geographia Polonica (1968) vol. 14 Urbanization processes in the hinterlands of towns and … Polonica (1968) vol. 14, pp. 337-344 | Urbanization processes in the hinterlands of towns and
article/item/8838.html - 11.82 kB
Emerging patterns of urbanization in Poland [60.00% relevance]
Emerging patterns of urbanization in Poland Geographia Polonica (1972) vol. 24 … Emerging patterns of urbanization in Poland Kazimierz Dziewoński Geographia … 1972) vol. 24, pp. 21-30 | Emerging patterns of urbanization in Poland, Kazimierz Dziewoński, Geographia
article/item/8654.html - 11.83 kB
Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected concepts and illustrations [60.00% relevance]
Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected concepts and … Polonica (1986) vol. 52 Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected concepts and … (1986) vol. 52, pp. 171-178 | Labour mobility, urbanization and development: selected concepts and
article/item/8143.html - 13.36 kB
Changes in settlement patterns as a result of urbanization in Spain [60.00% relevance]
Changes in settlement patterns as a result of urbanization in Spain In Spain a network of cities is not … 39 Changes in settlement patterns as a result of urbanization in Spain Manuel Ferrer Regales Geographia … | Changes in settlement patterns as a result of urbanization in Spain, Manuel Ferrer Regales, Geographia
article/item/8376.html - 13.23 kB
The principle of agglomeration and its role in the process of urbanization [60.00% relevance]
of agglomeration and its role in the process of urbanization Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39 The principle … of agglomeration and its role in the process of urbanization Boris N. Semevskiy Geographia Polonica (1978) … of agglomeration and its role in the process of urbanization, Boris N. Semevskiy, Geographia Polonica (1978)
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Urbanization in Sri Lanka [60.00% relevance]
in Sri Lanka Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39 Urbanization in Sri Lanka Y. A. D. S. Wanasinghe Geographia … Polonica (1978) vol. 39, pp. 159-166 | Urbanization in Sri Lanka, Y. A. D. S. Wanasinghe, Geographia
article/item/8377.html - 11.55 kB
Problems of Industrialization and Urbanization in the Lower Vistula Valley [60.00% relevance]
Problems of Industrialization and Urbanization in the Lower Vistula Valley Geographia Polonica … (1964) vol. 3 Problems of Industrialization and Urbanization in the Lower Vistula Valley Jan Szczepkowski … pp. 229-238 | Problems of Industrialization and Urbanization in the Lower Vistula Valley, Jan Szczepkowski,
article/item/9044.html - 11.78 kB
Characteristics of world urbanization and its features in individual countries [60.00% relevance]
Characteristics of world urbanization and its features in individual countries … Polonica (1977) vol. 37 Characteristics of world urbanization and its features in individual countries … ) vol. 37, pp. 7-18 | Characteristics of world urbanization and its features in individual countries,
article/item/8420.html - 12.57 kB
Processes and patterns of urbanization in Ireland [60.00% relevance]
Processes and patterns of urbanization in Ireland Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39 … Processes and patterns of urbanization in Ireland Michael J. Bannon Geographia Polonica … vol. 39, pp. 91-108 | Processes and patterns of urbanization in Ireland, Michael J. Bannon, Geographia
article/item/8372.html - 12.47 kB
Geographical aspects of urbanization [60.00% relevance]
Geographical aspects of urbanization Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 Geographical … aspects of urbanization Isaak M. Maergoiz, Venyamin M. Gokhman, Georgii … ) vol. 27, pp. 73-78 | Geographical aspects of urbanization, Isaak M. Maergoiz, Venyamin M. Gokhman, Georgii
article/item/8618.html - 12.38 kB
Urbanization, industrialization, and modernization [60.00% relevance]
modernization Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 36 Urbanization, industrialization, and modernization Arthur E. … Polonica (1977) vol. 36, pp. 207-217 | Urbanization, industrialization, and modernization, Arthur E
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The Influence of Industrialization and Urbanization on Land Use and Agriculture in Poland [60.00% relevance]
The Influence of Industrialization and Urbanization on Land Use and Agriculture in Poland Geographia … ) vol. 3 The Influence of Industrialization and Urbanization on Land Use and Agriculture in Poland Jerzy … 175-192 | The Influence of Industrialization and Urbanization on Land Use and Agriculture in Poland, Jerzy
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Urbanization in Portugal [60.00% relevance]
in Portugal Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39 Urbanization in Portugal Antonio Simoes Lopes Geographia … Polonica (1978) vol. 39, pp. 117-122 | Urbanization in Portugal, Antonio Simoes Lopes, Geographia
article/item/8374.html - 11.55 kB
Demographic and social aspects of urbanization in Poland [60.00% relevance]
Demographic and social aspects of urbanization in Poland Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 … Demographic and social aspects of urbanization in Poland Witold Kusiński Geographia Polonica ( … , pp. 63-72 | Demographic and social aspects of urbanization in Poland, Witold Kusiński, Geographia Polonica
article/item/8617.html - 11.8 kB
Urbanization in Denmark [60.00% relevance]
in Denmark Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39 Urbanization in Denmark Sven Illeris Geographia Polonica ( … 1978) vol. 39, pp. 49-64 | Urbanization in Denmark, Sven Illeris, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8368.html - 11.51 kB
Changes in Geographical Environment brought about by Industrialization and Urbanization [60.00% relevance]
brought about by Industrialization and Urbanization Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 3 Changes in … brought about by Industrialization and Urbanization Sylwia Gilewska Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. … brought about by Industrialization and Urbanization, Sylwia Gilewska, Geographia Polonica (1964) vol
article/item/9042.html - 11.96 kB
Modern urbanization and some trends in settlement [60.00% relevance]
Modern urbanization and some trends in settlement Geographia … Polonica (1978) vol. 39 Modern urbanization and some trends in settlement Yurii L. Pivovarov … Polonica (1978) vol. 39, pp. 17-26 | Modern urbanization and some trends in settlement, Yurii L.
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Some connections between urbanization and the forms of the social organization of production [60.00% relevance]
Some connections between urbanization and the forms of the social organization of … Polonica (1978) vol. 39 Some connections between urbanization and the forms of the social organization of … ) vol. 39, pp. 27-32 | Some connections between urbanization and the forms of the social organization of
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Urbanization trends in India [60.00% relevance]
in India Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39 Urbanization trends in India Debnath Mookherjee Geographia … Polonica (1978) vol. 39, pp. 79-90 | Urbanization trends in India, Debnath Mookherjee, Geographia
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The geographical differentation of contemporary urbanization [60.00% relevance]
The geographical differentation of contemporary urbanization Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 The … geographical differentation of contemporary urbanization Kazimierz Dziewoński Geographia Polonica (1973) … The geographical differentation of contemporary urbanization, Kazimierz Dziewoński, Geographia Polonica (1973
article/item/8614.html - 11.87 kB
Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region alization of Poland [60.00% relevance]
of Poland Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 37 Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region … Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 37, pp. 39-46 | Urbanization processes and changes in the demographic region
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A new definition of urban areas in England and Wales and its application to the analysis of recent urbanization processes [60.00% relevance]
and its application to the analysis of recent urbanization processes As part of the output of the 1981 … and its application to the analysis of recent urbanization processes John Shepherd Geographia Polonica ( … and its application to the analysis of recent urbanization processes, John Shepherd, Geographia Polonica (
article/item/8061.html - 15 kB
Urbanization in India [60.00% relevance]
in India Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39 Urbanization in India C. D. Desphande, Laximinarayan S. Bhat … Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39, pp. 75-78 | Urbanization in India, C. D. Desphande, Laximinarayan S. Bhat
article/item/8370.html - 11.73 kB
Urbanization in Contemporary Poland [60.00% relevance]
Poland Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 3 Urbanization in Contemporary Poland Kazimierz Dziewoński … Geographia Polonica (1964) vol. 3, pp. 37-57 | Urbanization in Contemporary Poland, Kazimierz Dziewoński,
article/item/9031.html - 11.72 kB
Urbanization and ethnographic processes [60.00% relevance]
processes Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 Urbanization and ethnographic processes Vadim V. … Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27, pp. 79-86 | Urbanization and ethnographic processes, Vadim V.
article/item/8619.html - 11.73 kB
Methods of analysing inter-regional migration in the USRR in relation to urbanization processes [60.00% relevance]
-regional migration in the USRR in relation to urbanization processes Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 … -regional migration in the USRR in relation to urbanization processes Rudolf V. Tatyevosov Geographia … -regional migration in the USRR in relation to urbanization processes, Rudolf V. Tatyevosov, Geographia
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Processes and patterns of urbanization in the Republic of South Africa [60.00% relevance]
Processes and patterns of urbanization in the Republic of South Africa Geographia … (1978) vol. 39 Processes and patterns of urbanization in the Republic of South Africa Lutz Holzner … vol. 39, pp. 123-142 | Processes and patterns of urbanization in the Republic of South Africa, Lutz Holzner,
article/item/8375.html - 11.73 kB
Agriculture and Urbanization in England and Wales [60.00% relevance]
Agriculture and Urbanization in England and Wales Geographia Polonica (1964) … vol. 3 Agriculture and Urbanization in England and Wales Harry C. K. Henderson … (1964) vol. 3, pp. 193-200 | Agriculture and Urbanization in England and Wales, Harry C. K. Henderson,
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Changes in the processes of industrialization and urbanization [60.00% relevance]
in the processes of industrialization and urbanization Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 2 Changes in … the processes of industrialization and urbanization Kazimierz Dziewoński Geographia Polonica (1976) … in the processes of industrialization and urbanization, Kazimierz Dziewoński, Geographia Polonica (1976
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Interdependence of urbanization and development of the territorial structure of national economy [60.00% relevance]
Interdependence of urbanization and development of the territorial structure of … Polonica (1981) vol. 44 Interdependence of urbanization and development of the territorial structure of … (1981) vol. 44, pp. 25-32 | Interdependence of urbanization and development of the territorial structure of
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Quantitative regularities in the urbanization of the USRR [60.00% relevance]
Quantitative regularities in the urbanization of the USRR Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 … Quantitative regularities in the urbanization of the USRR Vladimir G. Davidovich Geographia … 27, pp. 11-22 | Quantitative regularities in the urbanization of the USRR, Vladimir G. Davidovich, Geographia
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Changes in settlement patterns as a result of urbanization in Latin America: the case of Venezuela [60.00% relevance]
Changes in settlement patterns as a result of urbanization in Latin America: the case of Venezuela … 39 Changes in settlement patterns as a result of urbanization in Latin America: the case of Venezuela Luis F. … | Changes in settlement patterns as a result of urbanization in Latin America: the case of Venezuela, Luis F
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Urbanization processes and the rural areas in Poland: A trend surface analysis [60.00% relevance]
analysis Geographia Polonica (1976) vol. 33 2 Urbanization processes and the rural areas in Poland: A trend … Polonica (1976) vol. 33 2, pp. 75-82 | Urbanization processes and the rural areas in Poland: A trend
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Degradation of the climate in the industrial areas [40.00% relevance]
years are discussed as example of the effects of urbanization in Poland. The alteration of climate was … … Geographia Polonica (1995) vol. 64, pp. 61-70 | Urbanization, human impact, air pollution, local climate
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Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 37 [20.00% relevance]
Geographia Polonica (1977) vol. 37 Urbanization and settlement : proceedings of the Second
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Elements of built environment and lifestyle best suited to the needs of modern industrial societies [20.00% relevance]
older age structures and high levels of urbanization now characteristic of industrialized countries
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Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39 [20.00% relevance]
Geographia Polonica (1978) vol. 39 Urbanization and settlement system
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Corporate space and emerging spatial order in Japan [20.00% relevance]
Polonica (1995) vol. 66, pp. 65-86 | Japan, urbanization, functional spatial units, functional order,
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Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 [20.00% relevance]
Geographia Polonica (1973) vol. 27 Contemporary urbanization processes : proceedings of the first Polish-
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Reduction of agricultural land in Umbria, 1970—1975 [20.00% relevance]
land in Umbria, 1970—1975 The phenomenon of urbanization and the development of industry are
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The intra-urban disparities in "socialist and capitalist" cities. Comparing post Second World War experience of Poland and Italy [20.00% relevance]
The sequence of certain phenomena connected with urbanization istypical of all European countries. The actual
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