Results 1 - 38 of 38 for variability (0.0040 seconds)
Variability of the South Shetland Islands Geoecosystem [100.00% relevance]
of the South Shetland Islands Geoecosystem Variability is one of the characteristic features of polar … . On the meso- and macro-time scales, the variability of geoecosystems can be expressed in relation to … : … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 70 Variability of the South Shetland Islands Geoecosystem … Polonica (1997) vol. 70, pp. 101-110 | variability, geoecosystem, South Shetland Islands, climate … change Variability of the South Shetland Islands Geoecosystem,
article/item/7849.html - 13.11 kB
Long-term Variability in the Number of Days with Precipitation in Kraków in Relation to Circulation Patterns [83.33% relevance]
Long-term Variability in the Number of Days with Precipitation in … Patterns The paper analyses long-term variability in the number of days with precipitation in … … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 70 Long-term Variability in the Number of Days with Precipitation in … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 70, pp. 77-88 | variability, trends, number of days with precipitation, … atmospheric circulation, Kraków Long-term Variability in the Number of Days with Precipitation in
article/item/7847.html - 14.21 kB
20th-century variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in the Sudetic Mountains [83.33% relevance]
20th-century variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in … The work presents the results of research on the variability to the 24-hour air-temperature maxima, minima … Polonica (2000) vol. 73, iss. 2 20th-century variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in … Polonica (2000) vol. 73, iss. 2, pp. 111-116 | variability of air temperature, climate change, Mann-Kendall … test, Sudetic Mountains 20th-century variability to daily maxima and minima of air temperature in
article/item/7789.html - 13.6 kB
Variability of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the Carpathians in the Years 1951-1995 [66.67% relevance]
basis of data for the period 1951-1995. Temporal variability in precipitation was … Geographia Polonica (1997 … ) vol. 70 Variability of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the … , areal precipitation, trend, cyclonicity index Variability of Precipitation in Selected Regions of the
article/item/7846.html - 13.41 kB
Reflections on climate variability within selected monthly mean time series in Libya and neighboring countries [66.67% relevance]
Reflections on climate variability within selected monthly mean time series in … -time series analysis with respect to climate variability and change. The data are the mean monthly air … Polonica (1995) vol. 65 Reflections on climate variability within selected monthly mean time series in … change — Libyan case Reflections on climate variability within selected monthly mean time series in
article/item/7899.html - 13.44 kB
The Variability of Daily Precipitation Totals in Poland (1951–2000) [66.67% relevance]
The Variability of Daily Precipitation Totals in Poland (1951– … 2000) The analysis concerned the variability of daily precipitation totals observed during … Geographia Polonica (2009) vol. 82, iss. 1 The Variability of Daily Precipitation Totals in Poland (1951– … precipitation extremes, linear trend, Poland The Variability of Daily Precipitation Totals in Poland (1951–
article/item/7666.html - 13.12 kB
Variability to Global Solar Radiation in Central Europe During the Period 1951–2005 (On the Basis of Data from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project) [66.67% relevance]
/NCAR Reanalysis Project) The paper presents the variability to Global Solar Radiation (GSR) in Central … … Geographia Polonica (2007) vol. 80, iss. 2 Variability to Global Solar Radiation in Central Europe … , Central Europe, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data Variability to Global Solar Radiation in Central Europe
article/item/7691.html - 14.72 kB
Regional features of the bioclimate of Central and Southern Europe against the background of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification [66.67% relevance]
Climate Index UTCI to studies of regional variability in human-biometeorological conditions. The … climate classification, seasonal and regional variability of bioclimate human bioclimate, Universal … climate classification, seasonal and regional variability of bioclimate Regional features of the
article/item/10064.html - 16.93 kB
Soil water storage in Poland over the years 2000-2015 in response to precipitation variability as retrieved from GLDAS Noah simulations [66.67% relevance]
the years 2000-2015 in response to precipitation variability as retrieved from GLDAS Noah simulations This … the years 2000-2015 in response to precipitation variability as retrieved from GLDAS Noah simulations Urszula … vol. 90, iss. 1, pp. 53-64 | soil water storage, variability, GLDAS Noah, Poland Soil water storage in Poland … the years 2000-2015 in response to precipitation variability as retrieved from GLDAS Noah simulations,
article/item/10881.html - 13.41 kB
Variability of the snow avalanche danger in the Tatra Mountains during the past nine decades [66.67% relevance]
the past nine decades In order to recognise the variability of the snow avalanche danger in the Tatra … … Geographia Polonica (2016) vol. 89, iss. 1 Variability of the snow avalanche danger in the Tatra … danger, climate danger, the Tatra Mountains Variability of the snow avalanche danger in the Tatra
article/item/10464.html - 15.04 kB
Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the Years 1792-1995 [66.67% relevance]
all, the … Geographia Polonica (1997) vol. 70 Variability of the Air Temperature in Central Europe in the … temperature series, mean annual air temperature, variability, periodicity Variability of the Air Temperature
article/item/7844.html - 13.73 kB
Variability to the frequency of occurrence of masses of maritime air over northern and central Poland in the 18th to 20th centuries [50.00% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2000) vol. 73, iss. 2 Variability to the frequency of occurrence of masses of … from the west, masses of maritime air, Poland Variability to the frequency of occurrence of masses of
article/item/7791.html - 14.18 kB
Variability in the cloud cover of the Karkonosze Mountains over the last century [50.00% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2000) vol. 73, iss. 2 Variability in the cloud cover of the Karkonosze Mountains … analysis, climate change, Sudetic Mountains Variability in the cloud cover of the Karkonosze Mountains
article/item/7790.html - 13.35 kB
Variability of the zonal circulation index over Central Europe according to the Lityński method [50.00% relevance]
°E. … Geographia Polonica (2017) vol. 90, iss. 4 Variability of the zonal circulation index over Central … wind, Central Europe, trends, zonal index Variability of the zonal circulation index over Central
article/item/11102.html - 13.87 kB
Sea level variability in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic Sea cosast 1975-2004 [50.00% relevance]
Sea level variability in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic Sea … Polonica (2010) vol. 83, iss. 1 Sea level variability in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic Sea … , storm surges, southern Baltic Sea Sea level variability in the eastern part of the Polish Baltic Sea
article/item/7660.html - 13.43 kB
Variability of Selected Extreme Meteorological Events in Poland [50.00% relevance]
… Geographia Polonica (2009) vol. 82, iss. 1 Variability of Selected Extreme Meteorological Events in … thunderstorm, extreme snow cover, trends, Poland Variability of Selected Extreme Meteorological Events in
article/item/7665.html - 15.09 kB
Ebi K. L., Burton I., Mcgregor G. R. (eds.), Biometeorology for adaptation to climate variability and change, United Kingdom, Springer 2009 [50.00% relevance]
eds.), Biometeorology for adaptation to climate variability and change, United Kingdom, Springer 2009 … eds.), Biometeorology for adaptation to climate variability and change, United Kingdom, Springer 2009 … eds.), Biometeorology for adaptation to climate variability and change, United Kingdom, Springer 2009,
article/item/7731.html - 12.43 kB
Variability of the particulate matter air pollution of Polish cities with a prediction until 2020 [50.00% relevance]
big … Geographia Polonica (2019) vol. 92, iss. 2 Variability of the particulate matter air pollution of … , air pollution, Poland, cities, prediction Variability of the particulate matter air pollution of
article/item/11742.html - 17.01 kB
Evaporation in Wroclaw and its vari-ability in the years 1946-1995 [33.33% relevance]
-tion from the water surface in Wrocław and its variability in the years 1946-1995. The evaporation … … , factors control-ling evaporation, multi-year variability, solar activity, atmospheric circulation
article/item/7780.html - 13.99 kB
A Probability Distribution for Crop Yields in Poland [33.33% relevance]
source of risk in agricultural production is the variability to crop yields refl ectingirregularly changing … weather. This variability may be described as a stochastic … Geographia
article/item/7669.html - 13.2 kB
The occurrence of atmospheric thaw in Poland over the last 50 years [33.33% relevance]
and spatial characterisation of atmospheric thaw variability in Poland. The phenomenon was described on the … 30 days, thaw-start and thaw-end date, temporal variability, spatial distribution, NAO index The occurrence
article/item/9349.html - 15.06 kB
Long-term and seasonal variability of air masses temperature in Kraków (1961-2023) [33.33% relevance]
Long-term and seasonal variability of air masses temperature in Kraków (1961-2023) … (2025) vol. 98, iss. 1 Long-term and seasonal variability of air masses temperature in Kraków (1961-2023)
article/item/14203.html - 13.34 kB
Extreme precipitation events on the northern side of the Tatra Mountains [16.67% relevance]
This article reviews the occurrence and variability of extreme precipitation on the northern slope
article/item/7737.html - 13.92 kB
A stochastic weather generator as a tool for the construction of climate change scenarios [16.67% relevance]
model (GCM), climate change scenarios, climate variability A stochastic weather generator as a tool for the
article/item/7864.html - 13.13 kB
Tourism climate conditions in the Western Sudetes (Poland) in relation to UTCI [16.67% relevance]
, it is also characterized by significant variability in terms of climate … Geographia Polonica (2021
article/item/12952.html - 13.53 kB
The dynamics to selected extreme climatic events in Poland [16.67% relevance]
events in Poland The article presents the variability to selected extreme climatic phenomena in Poland
article/item/7783.html - 13.75 kB
Very warm nights in the Polish coastal area of the Baltic Sea [16.67% relevance]
of the study was to investigate the multiannual variability of the occurrence of very warm nights. The
article/item/10068.html - 13.5 kB
A stochastic weather generator as a tool for the construction of climate change scenarios (abstract) [16.67% relevance]
model (GCM), climate change scenario, climate variability A stochastic weather generator as a tool for the
article/item/7830.html - 12.46 kB
Generation of time series of the meteorological values in changing climatic conditions [16.67% relevance]
amounts in long-term and short — time variability. This research may be a starting point for
article/item/7938.html - 13.79 kB
Economic control functions in Poland in 2013 [16.67% relevance]
map and the accompanying description present the variability of revenues and the spatial distribution of the
article/item/10329.html - 13.55 kB
The Problem of Firn-ice Patches in the Polish Tatras as an Indicator of Climatic Fluctuations [16.67% relevance]
determine the relationship between multi-annual variability of airtemperature, precipitation and wind
article/item/7679.html - 13.46 kB
Physical principles of climate mathematical modelling [16.67% relevance]
-18 | climate, numerical climate models, climate variability Physical principles of climate mathematical
article/item/7826.html - 14.23 kB
Some remarks on detecting non-stationarity in natural processes [16.67% relevance]
paper contains some remarks on detecting climate variability or climate change in river discharge processes.
article/item/7828.html - 13.08 kB
Mean and Extreme Wind Velocities in Central Europe 1951–2005 (On The Basis of Data from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Project) [16.67% relevance]
) The paper presents the results of research on variability of wind speed in CentralEurope between 1951 and
article/item/7690.html - 14.28 kB
Variablity of Selected Thermal Characteristics of the Air in the Carpathian Foothills in the Years 1951-1995 [16.67% relevance]
circulation, circulation indices, climatic variability, mean maximum, mean minimum Variablity of
article/item/7845.html - 13.45 kB
Extreme Hydro-meteorological Events and their Impacts. From the Global down to the Regional Scale [16.67% relevance]
9-24 | extreme events; hydrometeorology; climate variability; climate change; climate change impacts Extreme
article/item/7686.html - 14.43 kB
The diagnosis of climate change in Cracow against a background of circulation and local conditions [16.67% relevance]
and local conditions The multi-annual variability of thermal, solar and cloudiness conditions in
article/item/7931.html - 13.44 kB
Geomorphic diversity of the Sudetes - effects of structure and global change superimposed [16.67% relevance]
. Reasons reside inlithological and structural variability of bedrock and protracted history of landscape
article/item/7646.html - 14.18 kB