Results 1 - 1 of 1 for wandering channel (0.0019 seconds)
Causes and mechanisms of the disappearance of braided channel patterns (the example of the Białka River, Western Carpathians) [100.00% relevance]
and mechanisms of the disappearance of braided channel patterns (the example of the Białka River, … and mechanisms of the disappearance of braided channel patterns (the example of the Białka River, … . 96, iss. 1, pp. 145-172 | multi-threaded river channel, wandering channel, hydromorphologic analysis, … and mechanisms of the disappearance of braided channel patterns (the example of the Białka River, … . 1, pp. 145-172 | multi-threaded river channel, wandering channel, hydromorphologic analysis, human impact
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