Results 1 - 3 of 3 for world wars (0.0141 seconds)
The demographic status of and perspectives for the Russian Federation [100.00% relevance]
to date are first shown. In spite of two World Wars and the enormous … Geographia Polonica (2000) … Russia to date are first shown. In spite of two World Wars and the enormous … Geographia Polonica (
article/item/2597.html - 13.96 kB
Similarities and non-similarities: History, geography and politics of the boundaries of Poland and Israel [100.00% relevance]
, international boundaries, nation state, world wars Similarities and non-similarities: History, … , international boundaries, nation state, world wars Similarities and non-similarities: History
article/item/9927.html - 14.09 kB
Prices of food products in Polish territory as index of climatic oscillations in the little ice age [100.00% relevance]
ice age In the period between the two World Wars studies of prices of food articles in Poland … the little ice age In the period between the two World Wars studies of prices of food articles in
article/item/7936.html - 13.34 kB